Ricky Law/Yvoni Caberto Ricky Law / Yvoni Caberto LANDLORD INFORMATION: Please provide your contact information below. Landlord/Owner Name: Landlord/Owner Email: Landlord/Owner Phone: A cell number is recommended for easier text communication. Landlord/Owner Mailing Address: Street, City, State, ZIP Code TENANT INFORMATION: Provide the tenant's information below. Tenant Name(s): Use a comma to separate more than one tenant. Tenant Email: Tenant Phone: Tenant Address: Street, Apt/Suite Number, City, State, ZIP Code Gate Code: EVICTION REASON: Provide the reason you are evicting your tenant: Tenant has not paid rent. Tenant is a nuisance. I do not have a reason; I just want/need the tenant evicted Tenant violated the lease agreement. Beginning Date Covered By Rent Due: Enter the date rent was first due. Ending Date Covered By Rent Due: Enter the end date of when rent was due (i.e. the last day of that month or week, etc.). What is the rent amount due every month (or other period agreed upon)? When was the last date rent was paid? Enter the last date rent was paid by tenant. What was the total amount paid on that date? Total Rent Owed this Period (DON'T INCLUDE LATE FEES): Rent Due From Previous Periods: Include all rent due from previous months (or other periods). Total LATE FEES Due: IMPORTANT: Late fees cannot be more than 5% of the total rent due each period (per Nevada law effective July 2019). Total Rent Owed (including late fees): This value will be calculated automatically. NUISANCE: Please check all fields that apply to your situation with the tenant. * Tenant is assigning or subletting the premises to other tenants (subleasing) Tenant is committing or permitting waste on the property Unlawful actions that place on the property There’s an unreasonable obstruction to the free use of property and causes injury and damage to other tenants or occupants of the property or adjacent buildings or structures A violation of any of the controlled substance laws are occurring in or on the property OtherOther NUISANCE: Describe, in detail, the facts and circumstances relating to each box checked above, including names, dates, locations, etc. This will help us build a case against the tenant. * If tenant submits payment in full after our notice, will you allow them to continue to stay on property or do you want them evicted? (Please note: if the lease agreement is for one year, tenant may not always be evicted if payment is received in full) * Yes, tenant can continue to stay on property if payment is received. No, I want the tenant evicted regardless if they try to submit late payment or not. How is the tenant renting from you currently? Month-to-Month Week-to-Week Year Lease OtherOther Attach a copy of your lease agreement with the tenant: Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 33.55MB If you would like to provide any additional information regarding the tenant that we should know, please enter it below (optional): Submit Eviction Now! Δ