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Another eviction tactic for landlords may include a 3 Day Notice to Quit for Assigning. The Nevada eviction laws allow a landlord to evict a tenant for any action that goes against the leasing agreement.

In case one of the conditions stated that a tenant cannot assign the said property to a third party the landlord has every right to evict them. If tenants so decide to assign the property to someone else for this will be an open show of defiance against the conditions.

This is one thing that you will need to clarify if it is not clearly stated on your leasing agreement before doing it because the repercussions can be lethal. This is a condition that heavily relies on the lease agreement, especially when dealing with tenants in Las Vegas, NV and the surrounding Clark County Nevada region.

This brings us back to your interpretation of the lease agreement before signing it and understanding your rights on the use of the property thereafter. You have always been advised to double check if not triple check on any agreement before signing it.

With a proper guidance on the terms and conditions of the leasing agreement, such confrontations between the landlord and the tenant will be avoided at latter stages. In case the terms and conditions do not give a clear guidance, the tenant is always advised to seek clarification from the landlord which may help prevent them from being served a 3 day notice to quit for assigning in the future.

If possible, all this should be ironed out before the two can get in an agreement. If anything contentious is found within the conditions, the tenant can iron it out with the landlord before they put pen to paper.

The Nevada eviction rule about assigning, unlike subletting, is usually not for financial reasons and if the landlord is okay with it, this is something that does not necessarily be a source of disagreement between the two. This rule is mostly imposed by landlords who exercise total control of their property and would not wish to see anything different from the original setup on leasing on their property. It would be easier if you expressed your concerns before getting in an agreement with them and if they don’t wish to accommodate your ideas as a tenant, the most preferable result would be to walk away. Assigning can be done in several ways.

You can assign a property to different uses under the as one tenant or you can assign a portion of the property to a different person to make use of it differently. There are some cases where the tenant may be okay with one of the two directives. Many tenants will agree to the first instance of assignment since after leasing, the tenant in most cases has the right over the use of the property. The second instance is the source of disagreements for many leases since it creates an impression of subletting. This is the reason why the tenant should seek clarification instead of blindly agreeing to the terms.

If you went into an agreement unknowing what the landlord meant, you have a chance to redeem yourself via a court proceeding that will determine your innocence. With a good attorney you can easily do away with the 3 day quit for assigning notice. It all comes back to the leasing agreement.