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Tenants in Las Vegas, NV who illegally sublet can be served a 3 Day Notice to Quit for Subletting and be legally evicted. These conditions and proceedings of a subletting issue between a landlord and tenant can be found under chapter 40 of the Nevada state regulations. If you wish to have a look at them, you can particularly look at NRS 40.2514.

Under this section, you can find a summary of the proceedings following such a disagreement. In this section, you will be explained under which conditions you can be served with the 3 day quit for subletting notice if you are a tenant or when and why to serve it if you are a landlord. 

It has been a common mistake by many people to use subletting and assigning interchangeably. With evictions in Las Vegas, NV and Clark County these two items are separate however and aren’t dependent upon each other. When a tenant assigns property, it means that they have merely allocated a portion of the said property to a different user.

Subletting, on the other hand, means that the tenant has leased the leased property to a third party meaning that they are acting as landlords to the third party. In most cases, the tenant will sublease the property on their own terms which may be different from the original terms of the landlord.

For most landlords, an introduction of another party who they don’t have control over is the main issue. A landlord always wants to be in direct control of their property or if not the case, they are usually okay with giving a trusted party a responsibility over the property. Since the subleased tenant is not directly under them, it becomes hard to control them hence it loosens the grip on the property. This is the reason why most landlords will not agree to sublet or assign their property. A tenant may see it on another perspective but what is important here is safeguarding once property and that is exactly what a landlord tries to do by refusing to accommodate subleased tenants.

Now that we have understood the logic behind the hard-headedness involved with introducing a third party to a property, what action should you take if you are faced with this type of notice? As a tenant you can always go to court to defend yourself against the said allegations. You should note that the landlord cannot unreasonably refuse to let you sublet or assign a property.

The Nevada state rules state that the landlord should not be unreasonable in making such decisions. This is a window of opportunity to prove yourself right since the said reasonable terms are not given in the NRS. If you think you have sufficient reasons for subletting of assigning the property and you can prove this sufficiently, you can go forward and challenge the landlord in court.

You should also ensure that you have put enough measures to safeguard the landlord’s property in the course of subletting and this you should be able to prove. If you decide to take responsibility and face the eviction laws in Nevada without protesting, you can go forward and quit or wait to be served with the second notice which will warrant a forceful eviction.